Lost Ark Destroyer guide for beginners | WePC

2022-05-21 03:32:27 By : Ms. XU CHRISTINA

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Here is a beginner's guide to the Lost Ark Destroyer's end game

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Lost Ark’s second post-launch class has arrived with the destroyer ready to smash things super hard. With the launch of the new class, people are jumping in and want to know the ideal skills that players will be used towards the end game. This Lost Ark Destroyer takes a look at what Destroyer players in Korea and Russia typically use so you can jump into the action with ease.

The core of this guide is running with the recent information that you can find on Lost Ark Destroyer builds over in Korea. The typical playstyle uses the Rage Hammer class engraving, which enhances your crit rate and damage based on your cores used while casting gravity release skills (purple skills).To get these Gravity Cores, you need to use blue skills. So, the Destroyer will use a mixture of blue and purple skills to help generate cores and whack your targets. This is the core playstyle as the builder spender of the end game Destroyer.

As for the Destroyer skills, there are only typically nine skills that highly honed players use. There is a core of six skills, which players will use in both raids, chaos dungeons, and abyss dungeons. The two skills that you can rotate out are Dreadnought and Gravity Impact. Dreadnought is more raid friendly, as it has some setup time you can use for big bonks. Meanwhile, Gravity Impact is a big AOE that hits multiple times and relocates enemies left alive at the end of it into a ball for more smacking. You also swap Full Swing for Running Crash. Below you will find tables for each of the Destroyer builds for Chaos Dungeons and your Abyssal and Guardian Raid combat encounters.

It is also worth mentioning that the Destroyer prefers the Big Bang awakening skill. It gathers gravitational energy, and then blasts enemies in a 3.2 meter radius to unleash the big dam. You receive 50% damage immunity while the awakening skill is casting and gaining immunity to push backs, pushes and move speed reductions. It also allows you to move while gathering gravitational energy and ignoring unit collision. You can then increase the damage and the radius of the effect based on the amount of energy gathered. This is the go-to awakening for all PvE content and is even useful when paired with gravitation CC effects in PvP.

Another general rule of thumb is that you want to use your Galewind runes on skills with casting speeds. You charge attacks like Seismic Hammer and full swing are prime examples of this. You can also equip Overwhlem’s stagger damage on skills like Dreadnaught and Jumping Smash, which are mid-high stagger skills.

As discussed earlier, the core class engraving you want to focus on is Rage Hammer. This is the core class engraving that benefits your builder spender playstyle. The other key engravings you want to look at are Master Brawler and Keen Blunt Weapon. Master Brawler is good since most attacks from the Destroyer hare head attacks, such as your skills that make you jump into the air and slam the hammer down. Keen Blunt Hammer is also a great engraving since you naturally have higher crit rates, thanks to the Rage Hammer bonuses.

Grudge and Cursed Doll are also good engravings, which are less threatening at max rank. Grudge’s incoming damage is not as threatening as the Destroyer has access to several damage reduction buffs, such as Endure Pain, Big Bang, Gravity Impact and Dreadnaught, depending on the build you are running per the content you are in.

This concludes the basics that you need to know in this Lost Ark Destroyer guide. For more information, feel free to check out our Lost Ark hub for more content!

Craig has spent several years in esports. He began his journey as a volunteer, writing about games he loved whilst studying at University. Upon graduating, he worked as a freelance writer, talking about esports and gaming for several years before landing in WePC's gaming section.

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